To access Blindsight's Enterprise Reporting please use this URL:
Key points
The Summary page is a high-level overview of all Blindsight devices.
It summarises the last 7 days only.
Hover over the bar graphs to view daily detection numbers and identify trends.
The key metrics are the Blindsight Index, Critical Detections and General Detections.
Blindsight devices are grouped into horizontal rows called 'Projects'.
Click the arrow on the left to see individual device metrics.
Click "Detections >" or "Detailed Analytics >" to review detection videos or graphs.
Action Center
Key points
The action center automatically surfaces any projects with unreviewed detections
Device Maintenance issues will be flagged here too. For example:
Device offline = Last seen online >14 days ago
Camera fault = Camera down >= 5 minutes of the last hour of operation
Camera darkness = Camera too dark state >= 5 minutes of the last hour of operation
In-cab fault = In-cab down (disconnected state) >= 5 minutes of the last hour of operation
Key points
The Detections page shows all your detections in a grid and map view.
You can filter by date, project, device, detection type, risk level or review status.
Once you have chosen your filters, click "Review mode" to load all relevant detections and efficiently review them.
Review status definitions:
βNot Reviewed: Review status not yet assigned.
Confirm: The detection is valid. Retain in reporting data.
Ignore: The detection is valid, but not a concern. Remove from reporting data.
For example there's a person inside the alert zone but behind a concrete barrier, so it's safe to ignore.AI error: The detection is not valid. Remove from reporting data.
This should only be used to identify issues with the AI, such as false positives. Presien use these detections to identify issues and to improve the AI.
Hover or click on grid view images to see detection preview videos.
Click the numbered clusters and pins on the map view to drill into individual detections videos.
Click "Zones" or "Detections" in the top right corner of video to see or hide your alert zones and AI bounding boxes.
NOTE: A Risk Assessment is applied to 'Critical People Detections Only'. General detections, Vehicle detections or cone detections are NOT risk assessed and assigned a risk level.
Key points
The analytics tab is where you can visualise and interrogate trends in your detection data.
SUMMARY shows the total number of Critical and General detections, Blindsight Index, and Blindsight devices.
REVIEW shows the review status of detections.
BLINDSIGHT INDEX shows your Blindsight index over the selected time period.
DETECTIONS shows all detections over the selected time period.
OPERATING HOURS shows the total time Blindsight was powered up, and detections enabled by the alert trigger (aka danger hours)
CRITICAL DETECTION RATIO shows the ratio of critical detections to all detections. A low critical detection ratio means that the majority of detections are not critical, suggesting that the safety is relatively better than a higher ratio. It is a proxy measure for how well controls are working.
The manage tab is where users can be added to your organisation, projects can be created and devices managed.
Click the +Invite user button to add users to your organisation. You will need to select an organisation role > assign projects > and assign project permissions
There are two types of organisation user roles:
Admin: Unrestricted permissions. Organisation Admins can review all detection data, invite and remove users, change any users permissions, and create projects within your organisation.
Member: Restricted permissions. Organisation Members can review all detection data within the projects that they have been assigned to.
And there are two types of project user roles:
Admin: Project Admins can review all detection data, invite and remove users, and change the permissions of users within the project that they are an admin of.
Reviewer: Restricted permissions. Project Reviewers can only review detection data of the projects that they have been assigned to.
A project is how you can organise your Blindsight devices into meaningful groups (formerly called "Locations").
The projects tab will list all of the projects within your organisation, your role, and the other users within that project.
You can rename and +Invite Users within your organisation to projects here.
The devices tab is where all of your Blindsight devices (BPUs) can be configured and moved between projects.